Spiritual Path.

Just because people walk different Spiritual paths doesn’t mean anyone has gotten lost or walking the Wrong path. I am wary of those who want to Convert anyone into a their Spiritual journey. The oak tree doesn’t say to the Ash tree “come with me and i will convert you to the right of kind of tree.” The otter doesn’t say to the mighty Bear “I will show who God really is.” The Orchid doesn’t say to the Daisy “Please come with me because you need to be saved.” We are all beautiful flowers in the eyes of God. Our beauty comes in all different sizes and shapes, and blooms at various times and places. We must this learn lesson from the animals, trees, and flowers. God doesn’t love one tree more than other another. They live in harmony with each other, and so must we. Dr. Martin Luther King said “We must live as brothers or die as fools.” God doesn’t love one man more than other. We are all equally loved in His eyes. This world will become a way of PEACE when we realize we must honor, love, and respect our differences, just as the way of the world we are surrounded in. Just because we choose not to see it or acknowledge it doesn’t mean its not there.
If it is about love, than it is about GOD. If its not about LOVE than it is not about about God. If it is about creating separation between men than it isn’t about God. God doesn’t love Christians more than Buddhists, or Jews more than Muslims. God doesn’t love the Catholic’s more than the Hindu’s. Its not up to God to create PEACE, it is up to us to ACCEPT IT. PEACE was already here before man arrived. The Dalai Lama summed it up well, “Kindness is my Religion”. 

Nobody owns a monopoly on GOD or Love, No church, no Temple or Mosque. All humans are created equal no matter the color of their skin, ethnic background, gender, social or economic level, tribe, or sexual orientation. Love as well as God comes in all shapes and sizes. Not just from one source, not from one book, one religion or one holy place. The source comes from everywhere, Ghandi, Buddha, Thich Nhat Hanh, Black Elk, Desmond Tutu, Dr.King, Jesus, all great teachers, and many others. We can learn from ALL as long as we remain open minded to The Great source which is GOD. God’s loving finger prints are found everywhere if we choose to look. Everybody has something wonderful to offer, even if its just and hug or a smile.

We must learn learn all places are sacred, Earth is our only Holy ground.

When we stop focusing on our differences in our SPIRITUAL PATH’s and start focusing on what we have in common this world will find a new level of understanding peace and spiritual prosperity. What we al have in common is Love. All major religions foundation is love. Why focus on anything else.

We are all part of the same web of life. We all sit in the same circle. The circle of life. Man is just a small part of that circle. “Man did not weave the web of life – he is merely a strand in it.

Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.” – Chief Seattle,